Brand New to the Idea of Fostering Cats or Kittens?

WELCOME! We’re so happy to see more people thinking about becoming foster parents! Foster families are always needed as part of the lifesaving efforts happening in animal shelters and rescues all across the country. We encourage you to explore the world of fostering and join the tens of thousands of people making a difference for cats and kittens in need!
You probably have a lot of questions, and we know that it can feel overwhelming to start something new, so we’re here to help. Many people jump into cat fostering and just learn as they go. That’s honestly how most of us got into it, and now we’re seasoned veterans with all sorts of tips and tricks up our sleeves.
But some of the things we learned on our own over the years would have been great to know before we started. What we’ll provide in this article is a general overview of the kinds of things to consider before fostering and tell you a little bit about what to expect when you’re a foster parent to a cat or kitten(s).
As veteran foster parents, we get the opportunity to share what we’ve learned with you right here, before you jump in, so we can save you some of the unnecessary stress we went through as foster parents.
Now by mentioning “stress” we’re not looking to dissuade you from saving lives. Just the opposite! We simply want to help you be better prepared, and thereby reduce your stress. It doesn’t hurt to know what you’re jumping into, and we want to help you to feel ready and confident about this incredible journey you’re about to start!
Things to Consider Before Getting Started

The Many Benefits of Fostering

- You are a hero for saving a life!
- You can help change the course of animal welfare
- You will feel sense of purpose
- Pets are good for your health and can help you heal
- Fostering is entertaining and fun!
- You have so many options and opportunities to learn something new!
- You will be an inspiration to your friends and family!
- You get a friend who will always listen
- You get an incredibly rewarding experience!
- The icing on the cake, you get to see your foster with a loving forever family that will love them as much as you do!
- Your home is so much better than a shelter!
- You create more space in the shelter for more pets to get a second chance!
- You learn more information about the cat to help find the right adopters and to pass along to the shelter
- Illness, injury or stress that can better be managed and cared for in a home environment – cats will stay healthier, more relaxed